I don't usually watch TV, so I wasn't very familiar with a comedian "Tonikaku Akarui Yasumura" (Yasumura, who is always cheerful). However, while watching the news today, I came across him making quite an impression on the British show "Britain's Got Talent," receiving a standing ovation. It's truly impressive.
His catchphrase, "安心してください。はいてますよ" (Don't worry. I'm wearing.), where he appears to be naked but assures the audience he's wearing underwear, is quite humorous. The simple English translation combined with the katakana pronunciation is uniquely amusing.
The reactions of the judges are also lively, and it's delightful to see everyone joyfully shouting "Pants!" If you haven't seen the video yet, I highly recommend checking it out. I like his naked pose of "Wannabe" of spice girls.
Tonikaku Akarui Yasumura mentioned that he was shy as a child, but his bold and daring "naked" pose is commendable.(^^)
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