Do you know who Nikola Tesla is? He was an inventor born in Croatia who later immigrated to the United States. He was a genius electrical engineer and a contemporary of Edison. However, despite his incredible achievements, he seems to have been somewhat overlooked by the public. Recently, I've been quite intrigued by Nikola Tesla and Elon Musk, and I've finally figured out why. They both share something in common with me - they are both "Cancer" zodiac signs. Now, you might be thinking, "So what?" even though their IQs greatly surpass mine. Still, I can't help but feel a sense of affinity with them (^^; Tesla is famous for proposing the use of "alternating current" in the electrical power system, which put him in fierce competition with Edison, who advocated for direct current. He made numerous inventions, including wireless transmission of electricity, but he was often treated as an eccentric and his image sometimes had an occult-like quality. Unfortunately, he remains relatively unknown in Japan. The largest electric car manufacturer in the United States, "Tesla," is named after Nikola Tesla, as Elon Musk greatly admires him. However, interestingly, Elon Musk himself is more inclined towards the Edison. There is an urban legend that Nikola Tesla's invention of the "Death Ray" (which sounds quite frightening) caused the Tunguska explosion in Siberia in 1908. Additionally, he is believed to have invented the oscillator, later referred to as an earthquake machine, which could supposedly generate earthquakes strong enough to bring down buildings like the Empire State Building. While the authenticity of these claims remains uncertain, Tesla did make such assertions. Tesla's inventions related to destructive devices and his statements about being able to communicate with extraterrestrial beings might have contributed to the fear and perception of him as an eccentric figure. However, unlike the famous Edison, Tesla was not particularly adept at navigating social situations; he was solely dedicated to his experiments and inventions. Perhaps that's why many of us feel a sense of kinship with Tesla, appreciating his unwavering commitment to science and innovation, even if his ideas sometimes ventured into the realm of the unconventional.

The documentary 'Tesla Files' is quite intriguing. It's available for free on Amazon Prime, so if you're interested, I recommend giving it a watch. It sheds light on many mysteries and enigmas surrounding Nikola Tesla. There are numerous inexplicable aspects to his life and work that become apparent. For those intrigued by Tesla's story and achievements, this documentary is well worth a look. By delving into Tesla's life and exploring his unsolved mysteries, you may gain a deeper understanding of crucial elements in the history of science and technology. If you have an interest, I encourage you to check it out.

I wanted to find out what patents Nikola Tesla had actually applied for and obtained, so I decided to check the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office website. There's a handy tool called Google Patents, which is specialized for patents, and I use it occasionally during work. When I entered the name 'nikola tesla' in the Inventor field, I got 88 results. It's fascinating to see patents that date back to 1888 and even earlier ones, all digitized and accessible online. The content can be quite complex, and as someone from a non-technical background, it can sometimes leave me scratching my head (・・?). However, it's a delightful experience to be able to reflect on the inventors of that era and their groundbreaking work. Being able to explore these patents from over a century ago in a digital format is truly remarkable.
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